hello again!
I've been pretty slack in updating this blog but that doesn't mean I haven't been busy! The school that runs Vincent's play group - Motueka Rudolf Steiner School - is holding a spring fair this weekend so all the parents were asked to make 10 things to be sold for $2 each at the fair. I initially had a million ideas, but didn't get very far with any of them (except the Lamp Fish - but I only made two of those before I had a crisis - ran out of glue and couldn't seem to remember to buy any more whenever I ventured into town). In the end I got a bunch of books out of the library, thinking that I would make origami animals which I would turn into mobiles ... but instead, after many very disheartening attempts to fold bits of paper into animals (is it really possible?? perhaps paper is just supposed to be paper and animals are just supposed to be animals - after all, who would try making paper out of animals, hmmmm?), I made these masks:

Clearly, there aren't 10 of them, but I think we'll just ignore that point for now. But that's not all! I recently acquired a most magnificent sewing machine (a Bernina 830). I've always wanted a sewing machine, and now I have one, so the pressure is on to actually use it! So, I made these trousers for Vincent:

Lastly, because this blog is in part an attempt to capture the transitory, here are some photos of a couple of the Spring flowers blooming around our home. These two are my favourite flowers - kowhai and magnolia. Yay for Spring!